Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Week One Is In The Books

Allright, I'm not doing so great at posting in my blog.  I had hoped to make a post every day but I'm just having a hard time finding the time.  Then again, that's not necessarily a bad thing.  After all I would much rather be in the gym getting my sweat on than sitting in front of my computer screen. 

The days just seem to go by so quickly.  Wake up, sometimes a morning workout, shower, get ready, then off to work, usually followed by more classes at the gym, then home for dinner, shower, and bedtime.  A definite positive, I sleep much better than I ever used to.

So, week one has come to an end.  It wasn't the perfect week but I definitely feel like I am headed in the right direction.  In the last week I have only had fast food once (which is a huge improvement on what I have been doing lately).  This was also the only time that I have had a soda this week.  I increased my water intake (needed to flush out all that sodium filled food I have been eating) and have spent much more time in the bathroom peeing.  I had my first salad in at least a month or more.  I forgot how wonderful it tasted and how much I missed it.  I gave into a couple of comforts this week with the temperatures being as frigid as they were.  The last couple of mornings I have treated myself to hot chocolate with mini marshmallows.  So warm and comforting.  I've increased my veggie and fruit consumption. 

Here was my lunch for today, so yummy.

Snacks have been a little challenging this week.  Because I doing plan and prepare for the week ahead I have made daily stops at the grocery store.  Usually I purchase my snacks and then portion them out so I don't eat too much at one sitting.  Case in point....when I stopped at the grocery store Monday morning to make my salad at the salad bar (so glad I live somewhere where you can do this) I also picked up a container of mixed nuts (cashews, almonds, and macadamia).  I learned in my nutrition class that nuts were a wonderful snack and source of so many good things, but that you had to be careful with the servings because of the calories especially if you are trying to lose weight.  So, the entire container was sitting on my desk and I easily found myself grazing on them and ended up eating more than I should have.  So definitely have to get back to the 3 P's.....planning, prepping, and portioning.

As far as the gym, I have been killing it.  I love my fitness classes at the gym.  I had to miss my classes last Thursday and Friday because of the crazy work schedule that is called year end but on Saturday I ramped it up and kicked it into high gear.  From Booty Barre, to Body Pump, to Zumba, to Body Combat...the gym provides such amazing classes that are almost impossible to miss and have the best instructors that motivate and push you.  The bonus of the gym is that it has also become a social gathering.  I look forward to going to class and seeing and spending time with some of the most amazing people.  You can have a challenging day and step foot into the gym and you can't help but smile.  There was a girl in my Zumba class Monday night that I have never talked to before other than to say hello that stopped me after class and said "you are doing really great and look fabulous".  So nice of her to say.

So, to the task at hand.  Stepping on the scale this morning.  I have to admit...I had been really excited about this weigh in.  Things just felt better in this last week.  I didn't feel as bloated or puffy and my stomach was co-operating with what I was putting into it.  I really don't know what I expected for a number but I had grand visions of those big numbers you see on "The Biggest Loser".  I know...unrealistic but you never know.  Then it happened yesterday...that "time of the month".  UGH!!!!  That time each month that your body just has a mind of its own and wreaks havoc on things.  I could just feel the water being retained again.  But regardless I still had a good week and no matter what that number said things would continue on the same path.

Aaaaaaahhhhhh, a big sigh of relief.  I lost 4.8 pounds this week.  WOO HOO!!!!!

I definitely feel like I am headed in the right direction and am ready to push forward on this journey.

Onto week two...

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