About Me

Hello, my name is Lisa.

I created this blog to keep track of chronicle my day to day successes and struggles as I continue my weight loss journey as well as to just document the normal regular day in my otherwise pretty plain and normal life.

After many years of being overweight and finally being made to go on blood pressure pills I decided that it was time to take my life and my health into my hands.  In August of 2012 I was 328 pounds.  I knew that I couldn't maintain this continued weight and live a productive life.  So at the point I made a effort to put the tools in place to become healthier and lose some weight.  In September I celebrated my 39th birthday.  I made a pledge to myself to hit my 40th birthday at my healthiest and gave myself a goal of losing 100 pounds by that date.

                                                          September 2012 - 39 years
After a year of nutrition classes, watching what I ate, becoming a lover of the gym, and keeping track of everthing I did....I reached my 40th birthday so much healthier, no longer on blood pressure medications, and 102 pounds lighter.  It wasn't an easy journey (learned a lot of things about myself - good and bad) but it was one that well worth all the blood, sweat, and tears.

                                                           September 2013 - 40 years

Since my birthday it has been a little bit of a struggle.  I have gone through some emotional times, and let some bad habits back into my life (fortunately exercise stayed in my life but eating was a rough spot).

Last year, I kept a written journal documenting everything but I figured I would start this by using a blog to document my continued journey because it would be more in depth with pictures and all.  Plus I figured it would keep more accountable and also keep my family and friends up to date on how things are going.

A few general things about me.  I am originally from Maine, but almost 11 years ago now I had an opportunity make a big change and relocate with my job.  I packed everything up and moved the +700 miles away to Maryland.  I left behind all of my family and friends to start a new chapter and journey in my life.  There have been lots of ups and down but it has really been a great opportunity and I have learned a great deal about myself.

I have a love for all things sports.  Baseball, football, hockey, basketball, etc...

Music is a huge part of my life.  Life without music wouldn't be worth living.  My musical tastes are very eclectic.  From classical and easy listening to rap and heavy metal and everything in between.  Each days playlist depends on my mood and what I need to hear.  My most prized possession would be my IPod.  I don't go anywhere without out.  From getting me through an amazing workout to helping me concentrate during my work day. 

Then there are movies.  When I moved to Maryland it was my entertainment (and still is) when I didn't know anyone.  Kinda like music,  I enjoy a wide variety.  If I had to pick a favorite it would probably be a great belly laughing comedy.

Thanks for checking out my blog.  Take care.

Lisa   :)

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