Sunday, January 5, 2014

Let the Work Begin

As the first weekend of the New Year comes to an end I feel totally unprepared for the journey that the year holds.  The last few weeks of the year snuck up on me and with work and other things I haven't had much of a chance to start planning for 2014.  I am honestly feeling a little anxiety that if I don't get my ass in gear my habits of the last quarter of 2013 will continue into the new year.  So, I am giving myself a deadline over the next couple of week to have my plans, goals, and visions set in place.  Until then the short term plan is to keep up with my exercise and class schedule, work back into my healthy eating habits, and kick the soda habit AGAIN.

The soda thing is going to be I believe my biggest obstacle, but I did it before.  I would still have the occasional soda but it was very rare.  When I got sick a few months ago with a cold I started drinking ginger ale and it just continued and actually got worse.  I then moved to the hard stuff (the caffeinated sodas).  I guess I didn't realize just how much I was drinking.  I haven't been sleeping well but I just figured it was because of other reasons.  Not until I started January 1st giving it up cold turkey did I realize just much far I had let it get out of hand.  That first day I craved it SO much.  I kept thinking I really have to have a soda.  I made it through the first day but on day two I had a killer headache, I'm guessing from the caffeine withdrawal.  During day three the headache got the better of me and when out to lunch I had a soda.  With needing my head for work, I figured it was best to gradually work back to cutting out the soda.  Something else I realized during these three cravings for all things sugar decreased.  Between the calories of all the soda plus the bad sugar foods I have been eating it most definitely explains the pretty serious weight gain.  I look forward to seeing what this change will do both short and long term.
My eating this weekend was good and bad.  When I did eat this weekend I kept it for the most part very healthy.  The problem was I wasn't eating enough.  I need to remind myself that I need fuel (and the good super premium stuff) if I am going to have the energy I need to put in the workouts at the gym and get other things done.  Saturday I only ate one meal, lunch.  I was so busy the rest of the day I didn't take the time to eat.  Sunday I was running late so I didn't have time for breakfast before heading to my classes at the gym.  Wow...I felt like I was running on empty.  I managed to make it through both classes but it was a struggle.  This is where planning becomes so important.  I really haven't been on a good grocery store run for weeks if not a month so my fridge and pantry are not equipped, which in turn leads to bad decisions.  I didn't get to the grocery story today but I did make a list.  I'm going to get a few basics to get me through the week and then hopefully next weekend do some meal planning.  Until then I am going to try to avoid fast food, drastically reduce the convenience (sodium ridden) foods, and bring back the fruits.

Exercise this weekend was most definitely a bright and shining spot.  In addition to completing the exercise on the two monthly challenge calendars that I am doing (see previous post) I did my normal Saturday and Sunday class schedule at the gym.  Saturday was 8AM Booty Barre followed by Les Mills Body Pump.  Sunday was 9AM Les Mills Body Pump followed by Zumba.  I know that there are people that think I am crazy for doing two classes in a row (and I've been known to do the triple once in a while).  Sometimes I wonder if it is too much but I then I remind myself that I love the way I feel after taking these classes, not only physically but also mentally.  Exercise has not only become for me a great physical benefit but puts me in the best mood.  Exercise has become an anti-depressant.  Then you add the social aspect of it.  I have met the most amazing people at the gym.  They have become great friends and are a wonderful support system.  I am extremely blessed for my gym family.

This weekend I also brought back one of the most visited and used websites in the previous year (maybe a close second to Facebook).  I had not logged into MyFitnessPal for months.  This site has been a huge part of my past successes.  This amazing tool has made me become accountable, makes me think twice before eating something because I know I have to log it, but also helps me see what I am doing wrong and need to changed, and what I am doing right and need to keep doing.

Here are the things I need to work on in the next couple of weeks:

1.  Work on and complete my list of goals for 2014 (short term, long term).
2.  Put together and finish my 2014 Vision Board.  I did one of these last year and it was helpful, inspirational, and motivational.
3.  Look up and find some new recipes to add to my menu planning folder.
4.  Update my new foods to try and discover list.
5.  Finally finish cleaning out my closet and getting rid of and donating my clothes that are now too big (because I won't be wearing them EVER again).
6.  Organize my kitchen and pantry and equip it properly.
7.  Work on a weekly and monthly calendar to help me be more time efficient.

I'm sure there are more, but all I can think of at the moment.  A good start...

Looking forward to the road I will follow in 2014....

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