Aaaaaaahhhhhhh, finally March is here. I have so been looking forward to turning the calendar and putting February behind me. The month just seemed like it was one thing after another and every time I was ready to continue the fight something else would just get in my way. I was very quick to use so many excuses why I was doing this (or not doing that). My hope this month I am done with the excuses. I know what I need to, I have the tools and knowledge that I need to do so, now I just need to follow through.
The first step this morning was to step on that dreaded scale. I haven't been on it since February 12th and I think I needed to take that break (picture also posted on my numbers page for quick reference).
I had gained weight for the month of February. A little disappointed in that after having such a great January. On the plus side, I didn't gain back everything I lost in January. I now stand at 81 pounds lost since my original journey began back in August of 2012. Even with all the ups and downs the last few months since last September reaching that 100 pounds lost goal, I have to say it has been a learning experience. My weaknesses and challenges have been reaffirmed (I don't think they will ever go away - it's just a matter of controlling them and keeping them in check). That being said, I have also found that I am much stronger woman that I was a year and a half ago. This doesn't mean I will never go backwards every again (after all I am human last time I checked), but I will NEVER go back to where I was.
Not sure where I stand on the weighing in school of thought. I have gone through every extreme - from weighing in multiple times a day, to daily, to once a week, to once a month. I'm not really quite sure what works best for me but hopefully I will find some sort of happy medium that works for me. I also know that scale is not a true reflection of where I have come from, after all it is just a number. Although the number is important, it will not define me. As much as it would be nice to say someday that I am in "ONE-derland" I can honestly say now that as long as I am happy, healthy, and making the right choices I am content if that number never changed. But I know that I truly put in the work, that it will.
Today I also took measurements. This is something I didn't do a year and a half ago (and I'm still kicking myself for it). I honestly can't imagine the difference but I'm sure it would have been eye opening. Either way I have someplace to go from now (these are also on my numbers page for quick reference).
Chest - 40 Inches
Bust - 45 Inches
Upper - 17 Inches
Forearm - 11.5 Inches
Waist - 47 Inches
Midway - 52 Inches
Hips - 54 Inches
Thighs - 29 Inches
Knees - 24 Inches
Neck - 15 Inches
I'm thinking I will try to do new measurements each month or every couple of months.
Now, onto the month to come....
Exercise - pretty much keep moving. After being away from the gym for a few weeks and missing classes, I am back into it full force. I have been back for a week. Today was my Saturday triple - Booty Barre/Body Pump/Zumba. Haven't done the triple for a while, so I was dragging a little at the end of Zumba class. But great workout and awesome calorie burn.
It is going to be a challenging month. There are a couple of sites I keep up on that have and do monthly exercise challenge calendars. I love these. It gives you a chance to work on and strengthen certain areas and try new things that you haven't done before. With being sick in the beginning of February and dealing with the dizziness I gave up on doing the calendar's for February. I kept them and might revisit them in the future if I want to supplement more but I figure I have my hands full this month. The Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans calendar is focusing on getting in your 10,000 steps each day adding on an extra task each day. I really like this one this month. I have been thinking I need to get back to tracking my steps and making the effort to get more (which has been really hard with winter and all).
The other calendar is from Well Girl. The thing I like about this one (and January's did the same thing) is that it introduces a lot of new exercises I have never heard of. It makes me have to look them up and try something new. Today is a case in point....I had no idea what a Clamshell was. Honestly, the picture didn't look too hard, but man could my legs feel it when I was done. Their focus for March is the hips, thighs, and butt. And if you saw my measurement...yup, need to do some work in that area. Let's see if those measurements change.
In addition to these calendars and my regular fitness classes at the gym, I am going to try to get more time in on the treadmill. In the last week when I have a little extra time before a class starts I have been going out into the gym and have been doing some walking. What I'm hoping that this will lead to the occasional increase of speed and maybe even a little running (more like light jogging). I was pretty happy on Friday morning when I was on the treadmill before Combat class. I jogged for 5 minutes. I figure if I can work on gradually increasing that maybe I will be able to run my first 5K instead of walking it.
If all that wasn't enough (and I wonder if I am trying to do too much this month) my gym is doing a fitness challenge this month. They have done a few of these in the past and I have done them and liked them. I feel like it gave me that extra push to try to do better. This month's challenge is called "March Into Fitness". Each evening you are sent an email giving you a task to perform for the next day. The exercise tasks can be done up to three times. For each time you complete task you get a point (so up to three points a day). I like the fact that you get emailed each day so you have no idea what is coming. Today was 40 lunges on each side (so I did 3 sets - 120, whew to get my max three points for the day). Tomorrow is 100 push ups. Not sure about doing three sets of these, but I am most definitely going to give it my best shot. This challenge also comes with a great incentive. It cost money to join the challenge but if you complete the tasks and get points, these points will turn into money to be used on your account for things at the gym. This is yet another reason why I like this gym, they really are trying to push you a little bit.
Food - yes, this is where I struggled in February, but there were also successes. There was a lot more bad choices and fast food, but I also did a good bit of meal planning and prepping at the end of the month. This last week was a real good one. I spent last Sunday grocery shopping, then coming home to plan, cook, and prep my meals for the week. This is something that I NEED to continue to do. This really helps to keep me stay on track, not stray from the plan, and most importantly not be tempted to make bad choices because I don't have a plan in place. What I've also been doing in the last week is I've gone back to logging my food on My Fitness Pal. This is something I have gone back and forth on whether I not I needed to do it anymore. I think for now I need to do this to keep myself accountable for what I am putting into my body. I also want to get back to trying at least one new food each month. I already have it for this month. When I was out shopping last week I was looking for some brussel sprouts and while walking by my eye caught the spaghetti squash. I have heard a lot of good things about this, but have yet to try it. So I picked one up. I'm looking forward to giving it a try this week coming.
Back in January I decided I was going to try to read at least one new book each month, whether for entertainment, educational purposes, or to try to learn something new. My book this month is one that looked good. The focus on my weight support management group was boundaries and this book was referenced. Fortunately the hospitals "harmony cart" had this book so I borrowed it. I'm thinking it is really going to be a good read and very informative.
Today was a day to reward and pamper myself for what promises to be a pretty grueling month on the feet (this will make my next scale picture look a little cuter). I met a girlfriend from the gym and we got pedicures done. It so great to get the feet cleaned up and looking pretty but even better was the company and great conversation. It was greatly needed.
I wish I could say this month brings an end to my dizziness, but unfortunately it is still there. I'm not really quite sure what is going on. Besides that, I really feel fine. I am going to continue to keep an eye on (but I am not going to let it stop me from doing what I want to do) it and if it doesn't go away I am going to check in with the doctor. I got some great advice at my group about different things that could be causing it.
Work will be hectic this month with a co-worker being out and filling in taking up the slack. So thankful for the help I have in getting through this period. Trying to take each day as it comes and to try not to feel overwhelmed. With another snow storm coming the last thing I need is a day off with the office closed. I might try to go in a little bit tomorrow in case this happens. I am going to check the weather forecast in the morning and see what things look like. With month end and having extra things to do, a short week is most definitely not what I need. But regardless, I will get through the week, get everything I need to get done. Planning my lunches will help me from going out and making bad choices. When I get really busy I tend to forget to get my snacks in, but I need to make the time and maybe also think of thinks to easily snack on while still working. At least work gives me the opportunity to get my water in. I keep a glass on my desk and keep it filled all day.
Goals for the month of March:
1. Log my food every day
2. Get 10,000 steps a day
3. Lose 7 pounds this month (if I lose 7 pounds for the next three months I will get back to my 100 mark before I go home for my vacation in June).
4. Try to get more sleep (funny as I say this it is almost midnight and I should be sleeping by
5. Control my stress levels and try not to let things to get me.
Welcome March, and hopefully some better weather (after this coming storm). Really wanting to get out and walk the trails and get shopping for that new bike.
Here's to a successful month ahead!!!
Your gym sounds wonderful! I don't have the luxury of one so I make do with what I have at home. I've always been fascinated with Zumba classes, though, and every time a new strip mall or whatever goes up near my house I keep hoping a gym will go into one of the spots. Nothing yet but I keep hoping!