Wednesday I looked ahead at the forecast for the long weekend ahead and saw how beautiful it was going to be here. I knew one thing for sure.....I was going to do my very best to get lots of biking in.
Thursday night after work I went to the last biking class. This was actually a make up class for those that couldn't attend one of the other four weeks. I didn't need to go because I had already "graduated" the week before but I wanted to go check it out and see what was going on. I'm so glad I did. It was tire changing week again. I didn't bring my bike but I stood back and watched others, plus also listened to our instructors and got some more great tips to put in the memory bank. It's nice to learn things that could actually help you, although honestly I really hope I never have to change my tire on the trail or road. That being said, it is good to know that I can probably do it, even though it might take me awhile. So, finishing the class means that the hospital pays for my membership into the Western Maryland Wheelmen, a local biking group. The members that I have met through the class seem great, so helpful. They do a lot of group rides and I'm looking forward to participating in some of them as I work on getting more miles on my bike, getting more experience, hopefully picking up some speed and working on my stamina to do longer rides and with more climbs. After class the instructor asked me if I would be interested in being a trail ambassador. This is a group that works to promote the trail, monitor the trail, and provide information and assistance to those on the trail. I am definitely interested. It would be so cool to be a trail ambassador.
So, last Friday was National Bike To Work Day. I was all set to participate in this with a few co-workers but then (during my bike class the night before) I found that my rear tire on my bike had a split in it. So I had to cancel and get a new tire. I was pretty bummed about this. But because it seems like some of my co-workers are getting bit by the biking bug I think this is something we are going to do from time to time. On Friday, I drove into town to meet everyone. I would love to be able to bike from home, but that is impossible (well, at least for now). We left from the train station and biked to work. It was 3.38 miles to to the office. A nice little stroll. My legs were feeling a little rough. I had taken my regular Friday morning 6 AM Body Combat class at the gym. Good idea or not, I love starting my Friday morning with Combat. Obviously riding the bike to work meant I would also be riding it back to the train station after work. Was looking forward to this after a busy day. But I was nervous....the ride down Dakota street meant I would have to ride up Dakota street to get back on the trail. It is pretty steep. It kept telling myself it was OK if I had to walk the bike up the hill. I got to Dakota street and completely psyched myself out and didn't get the bike in the right gear....YUP, I had to walk up the hill. We will tackle that hill another time. After getting back to the train station one of my co-workers and I decided to get a few extra miles and ride on the C&O side of the trail (heading to Washington DC). Nice little ride. I will have to check on that side of the trail again.
Saturday morning brought a tough decision.....head to the gym for some awesome classes or get out on the trail. I guess I could have done both, but I figured if I wanted to get a good ride in I should try to focus on that. So for now, I think Saturday's (unless something else is going on) is going to be my push myself bike ride day. If it rains though....gym day it is (after all, the gym has awesome classes on Saturday, well everyday but you know what I mean).
Got my stuff together, loaded the bike, and headed into town to the train station. I really had to plans other than to get on the trail and ride for awhile. Had no goals for the day. While I was unloading my bike, a guy came up to me and asked me if I had been on the trail before and if I had been to Frostburg. I told him I haven't been that far yet and that is was 16 miles to get there. He thanked me and I started my ride. I was about 3 miles into the ride when this guy came up and was riding beside me on the trail. He asked me if I was going to Frostburg today. I told him it really wasn't something I was planning to do. He said "C' can do it. I'll see you up there" and with that he passed me and took off. I thought to myself "this is the day you are going to make it to Frostburg". I kept seeing him in my view and thought "I think I can, I think I can". I got to Cash Valley Road and thought nope, this isn't happening. I just wasn't feeling it. But I thought let's at least go to the Brush Tunnel and see how I feel. While taking a break after going through the tunnel I met a group that was going from Cumberland to Pittsburgh.....what a great challenge that would be. Someday!!!! They were very friendly. After talking to them I thought I'm ready to keep going, maybe not to Frostburg, but I can go further. I made some pretty good progress and got to Woodcock Hollow. There are benches there so I figured it was a good time to have a seat. I had brought an apple so I parked my bike, grabbed my water, and snacked on my apple. While sitting there a lady came up that I had passed a few miles earlier on the trail. We struck up a conversation. She was a retired schoolteacher from New York. She had been down here before on the trail and keeps coming back because she loves it. She was with a friend that was behind her and was taking a break to let her catch up. I really didn't plan on stopping that long, but was so glad I did. I found out she has completed the C&O side of the trail (Washington DC to Cumberland). I thought to myself I would love to be able to do this after I retire (which I know is a really, really long ways away, but something to strive for and keep healthy for). After my snack, water break, and conversation, it was time to keep moving.
About a mile into this leg, I ran into the guy I met at the beginning that challenged me to make it to Frostburg. He was stretching his legs and taking a break. As I rode by he said "you got this" and "I'll see you later". He eventually passed me (must be nice to have longer I kept him in my sights for a little bit but then he was gone again. I don't remember what mile it was but I was feeling a water stop and as I did I heard Western Maryland Scenic Railroad Train coming. So I stopped to watch it go by. That was awesome and everybody on the train was waving.
I had my Map My Ride app on and it tells you as you reach each mile. When it said Mile 13 I knew I was getting close. Mile 13 is where I stopped the first time and decided it was time to turn around. I was feeling pretty good and thought even if I don't make it all the way at least I will have made it further than the last time. Mile 14 turned into Mile 15. It then hit me, I am going to make it to Frostburg. I started to cry (for those that know me, no big surprise). As I started riding my bike a month ago I had made this my goal to do by the end of the summer. Even then I really didn't know if it was something I could do, I tend to not give myself enough credit. So I had a nice cry for about half a mile then I looked up and who did I see....the guy that challenged me. He had made it Frostburg and was on the way back. On his way by he said "You're almost there" and "I'll see you back in Cumberland". At that moment the tears turned into a big smile and I pushed that last half mile. Finally, I made it to Frostburg. I took a few moments to soak in, drink some water, turn around, and head back down to Cumberland.
The great part about the ride up it most definitely the return trip at a decline. I started Cumberland at 610 feet and was at 1,865 feet in Frostburg (that's a nice little incline). I could have coasted back down but I decided to push and pedal all the way down. A pretty quick return trip.
I made it back to Cumberland (31.28 miles - my longest ride yet). As I was getting back to my car the guy that challenged me was there waiting for me. He congratulated me on getting there and back and asked me if I was in a hurry to leave. He said a beer was on him to celebrate. I thought why not. So we went over to The Crabby Pig and had a beer and chatted. Steve (finally knew "that guys" name) come to find out was from Nova Scotia. I was so excited to hear that. We had a really nice conversation, a beer, and exchanged emails.
After coming home, dropping off the bike and getting a shower, I went out and ran some errands, and picked up some things for dinner. Spend the rest of the day getting some things done around the apartment and making dinner....baked Italian marinated chicken thighs, brown rice, and roasted brussel sprouts.
Tomorrow promises to be another good day. The morning will start with classes at the gym. I debated on canceling knowing there will be a bike ride, but since my ride tomorrow will be with Karen and be more relaxing and casual, I know I can get in some gym time. Besides, it is Danny's last Sunday morning Zumba class, and I hate to miss that. I am so going to miss him but am so excited for him making the big change to move to New York City. They will be very lucky to have him up there. I'll have a couple of hours in between and then I will Karen at the trail in Deal. I think we are going to head towards Myersdale. I told her we will go as far as she wants.
So, I guess it is time to call it a day and get some sleep before another busy day tomorrow.
My own person online journal chronicling my weight loss journey and everyday things about my life
Saturday, May 24, 2014
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
A Great Week
I feel like this last week has been one that I have needed. The proof of my week was definitely shown on the scale. For the 1st week into the DietBet I was down 5.2 pounds.
It's funny, I was actually asked by a friend today - did you starve yourself? For those that know me best, that is virtually impossible. This girl likes to eat and loved food. With all the junk and processed foods I have been putting in my body in the last month I usually retain a good bit of water. When I get back to eating clean (for the majority) it shows up on that scale quite well in the beginning. Any questions, feel free to check my food diary on MFP. I've been getting back to taking the time to make my lunch to work during the week (my yummy salads, you've seen pictures of them in previous posts). Fridays are usually my day to go out to lunch with co-workers. I actually ordered a grilled chicken salad and had them put the fries on the side (yes, down here they put fries on top of a grilled chicken salad - seems kind of silly to me). I gave them to my co-worker.
As far as exercise it was a busy week. I got in a couple of bike rides (one road, one trail), taking some classes at the gym (when they fit into my schedule), been doing lots of morning walks on the treadmill (trying to make this an every day thing - we'll see how long this lasts getting out of bed at 5AM). Saturday was a rest day but I still got a good bit of steps in while out of town shopping.
A few random thoughts:
Fitbit - LOVE IT!!! But always remember to check it from time to time and see if you need to charge it. I wasn't on the site for a few days and when I was out of town Friday night it all of a sudden died on me. Since I didn't come home until Sunday none of my steps on Saturday were tracked. I know I got steps but because I am obsessed with numbers (job it really bugged me that I couldn't see a final number for the day. This was such a great purchase and really does push me to try to get more steps in the day.
Heart Rate Monitor - NEED IT!!! For the past couple of weeks I have been having some problems with my Polar HRM. I will be in the middle of a workout, look down, and it tells me that I have no heart rate. Well I know this is not true because in the middle of Combat class I can feel my heart going BOOM BOOM BOOM. So I figure it was time to get new batteries for my sensor but I have been putting it off. Then when I was out for a bike ride Tuesday night my watch had completely died....oh no, how would I know how many calories I burned (again, a little bit obsessed with the numbers of it all). So I got home from my bike ride, dropped my bike off at the apartment, and headed to the mall. I kept thinking...oh my goodness I can't go to the gym in the morning with my HRM. Thank to Radio Shack for having the batteries and it was back to working properly this morning...PHEW.
Feta cheese....makes a great salad perfect. Since the last Demo and Dine when we had some Feta in one of the dishes, I knew I needed to get some. I added to my salads this week and oh totally put the exclamation point on the salad. Yet another thing that I wished I knew I would have liked years ago.
Once short, always short - On my day off today I thought I would look for some new denim capris. I thought this will be so much easier since I have lost the weight. But then I tried a couple of pairs on. They were more like flood pants. So, even if I can now wear a smaller size, I am still vertically challenged. I will have to go out of town and see if I can some petites, or just get them tailored.
I was talking to someone today about this journey that I have been on and it made me think about a lot of things...all the foods I eat now that I never would thought of trying in the past, the things I can do now that I never thought I could do, the physical changes. All this, and the part that really stands out is that my family and friends back home haven't physically seen me since October of 2012. It really gives me goosebumps to think of what it will be like when they see me. My Mom keeps telling me when I talk to her on the phone "I'm not going to recognize you". I keep telling her that I am still the same girl, just looking a little smaller. I know my friends and family back home will love me whether 328 or 241, but I am so nervous about seeing them for the first time in a long time. This also is a huge reminder how important my other "families" are down here. I would not be where I am or have the successes I have had without them.
I'm sure there is so much more I could say, it was a pretty busy week, but I'm pretty much done for the day and so ready for bed and to start again early in the AM.

It's funny, I was actually asked by a friend today - did you starve yourself? For those that know me best, that is virtually impossible. This girl likes to eat and loved food. With all the junk and processed foods I have been putting in my body in the last month I usually retain a good bit of water. When I get back to eating clean (for the majority) it shows up on that scale quite well in the beginning. Any questions, feel free to check my food diary on MFP. I've been getting back to taking the time to make my lunch to work during the week (my yummy salads, you've seen pictures of them in previous posts). Fridays are usually my day to go out to lunch with co-workers. I actually ordered a grilled chicken salad and had them put the fries on the side (yes, down here they put fries on top of a grilled chicken salad - seems kind of silly to me). I gave them to my co-worker.
As far as exercise it was a busy week. I got in a couple of bike rides (one road, one trail), taking some classes at the gym (when they fit into my schedule), been doing lots of morning walks on the treadmill (trying to make this an every day thing - we'll see how long this lasts getting out of bed at 5AM). Saturday was a rest day but I still got a good bit of steps in while out of town shopping.
A few random thoughts:
Fitbit - LOVE IT!!! But always remember to check it from time to time and see if you need to charge it. I wasn't on the site for a few days and when I was out of town Friday night it all of a sudden died on me. Since I didn't come home until Sunday none of my steps on Saturday were tracked. I know I got steps but because I am obsessed with numbers (job it really bugged me that I couldn't see a final number for the day. This was such a great purchase and really does push me to try to get more steps in the day.
Heart Rate Monitor - NEED IT!!! For the past couple of weeks I have been having some problems with my Polar HRM. I will be in the middle of a workout, look down, and it tells me that I have no heart rate. Well I know this is not true because in the middle of Combat class I can feel my heart going BOOM BOOM BOOM. So I figure it was time to get new batteries for my sensor but I have been putting it off. Then when I was out for a bike ride Tuesday night my watch had completely died....oh no, how would I know how many calories I burned (again, a little bit obsessed with the numbers of it all). So I got home from my bike ride, dropped my bike off at the apartment, and headed to the mall. I kept thinking...oh my goodness I can't go to the gym in the morning with my HRM. Thank to Radio Shack for having the batteries and it was back to working properly this morning...PHEW.
Feta cheese....makes a great salad perfect. Since the last Demo and Dine when we had some Feta in one of the dishes, I knew I needed to get some. I added to my salads this week and oh totally put the exclamation point on the salad. Yet another thing that I wished I knew I would have liked years ago.
Once short, always short - On my day off today I thought I would look for some new denim capris. I thought this will be so much easier since I have lost the weight. But then I tried a couple of pairs on. They were more like flood pants. So, even if I can now wear a smaller size, I am still vertically challenged. I will have to go out of town and see if I can some petites, or just get them tailored.
I was talking to someone today about this journey that I have been on and it made me think about a lot of things...all the foods I eat now that I never would thought of trying in the past, the things I can do now that I never thought I could do, the physical changes. All this, and the part that really stands out is that my family and friends back home haven't physically seen me since October of 2012. It really gives me goosebumps to think of what it will be like when they see me. My Mom keeps telling me when I talk to her on the phone "I'm not going to recognize you". I keep telling her that I am still the same girl, just looking a little smaller. I know my friends and family back home will love me whether 328 or 241, but I am so nervous about seeing them for the first time in a long time. This also is a huge reminder how important my other "families" are down here. I would not be where I am or have the successes I have had without them.
I'm sure there is so much more I could say, it was a pretty busy week, but I'm pretty much done for the day and so ready for bed and to start again early in the AM.
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
DietBet or Bust
Forgive me father, for I have has been a month and a half since my last blog post. Let's just say life has gotten in the way, how dare it. Between work, exercise, and sleep there hasn't been a whole lot of free time for the extras. Facebook has been neglected, which is tough for me. I like to take some time each day/evening to see what everyone is up to, like and comment. I feel like I am losing touch with everyone. Know it is not intentional, I miss it and keeping up with everyone.
In the last month and a half I haven't been very successful in losing weight, in fact I have gained. I could give you so many excuses but there is no point. The fact and the truth is my eating has been so up and down, all over the map. To best put into my words what my eating has been like in the last month and a half, I will quote part of the poem "There Was A Little Girl" by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow:
"When she was good, she was very good indeed, but when she was bad she has horrid."
There is no need to explain, the words say it all. Needless to say, even after all the changes, yes I can still put away the calories. Eating out of boredom, emotional eating, mindless name it, I did it. In between those days were days that reminded me YES, I do know what I need to do, I just have to do it.
So as much as the number on the scale did increase, it could have been oh so much worse. The one constant and lifesaver for me is and probably always will (God willing) exercise. I love it, it feels great during it, after it, and I look forward to doing it. As April was coming to an end and I was feeling pretty bad about myself I was thankful for some of the things and challenges coming up in May. First, there was the most current Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans challenge calendar - Melt Your Muffin Top May.
Also this month my gym Life Fitness Management is doing another challenge. Each day you get emailed a new challenge to complete the next day (with a few well placed rest days). Situps, difference kinds of crunches, planks, know all fun things. :)
Both of these challenges are so well timed. Each of them are working areas that I obviously need a lot of work with. Also, it is a bang on the head reminder that I need to eat better. In any class I take or exercise I do, when I am not eating well these are the kind of exercises that I struggle with. Abs are truly formed in the kitchen. This is something I need to remember all the time....
My local hospital is also doing a walking challenge. Each day you get in the mileage and at the end of the month there will be a 5 mile walk to participate it. Walking is great in so many ways and a good thing to add to my day. Bonus: a chance to win some money just for walking.
On top of all this are my regularly scheduled group fitness classes at the gym. A little difficult, but because of other commitments and things in my schedule I have been having to miss some of my favorite classes. Not only do I miss the classes but the instructors that teach them. I hope they know it's not personal, because I appreciate them and what they do and they are such a huge part of my successes. I wouldn't be where I am in this journey without their help.
One of the reasons why I have been missing some classes is that I have been taking a bike class. Again the local hospital (seriously, they really have so much to offer the many people are missing out) was offering a series of classes on biking. This class is being taught by the Western Maryland Wheelmen (a local biking group). Each week we have been learning things about our bike, riding, etc. I was undecided on whether to take this class up until the last minute. With buying my new bike, there is so much about it I need to learn. I am so glad that I decided to take it. With taking this class I have added more bike riding into my exercise regiment. I have probably put 150 miles on my bike in the last month, and I am so excited about that. I have gone on rides much further than I thought I would, and really surprised myself. I really do know that the possibilities are endless, I just have to keep telling myself that I can do anything.
So, as for the title of my post. Again this page I follow - Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans - was starting this thing called DietBet. If you have never heard of it before it is a website where you put your money on the line to strive to lose weight. If nothing else I hate to lose money and I figured this would be a good motivator to keep me on the straight and narrow and find my focus again. This DietBet is for 6 months. Each month you have a percentage goal to meet to win money, with the end goal of losing 10% of your weight. This started today and yesterday I had to submit official photos.
So here we go.....let the fun begin. Stay tuned to see what happens. I promise I will try to post more.
In the last month and a half I haven't been very successful in losing weight, in fact I have gained. I could give you so many excuses but there is no point. The fact and the truth is my eating has been so up and down, all over the map. To best put into my words what my eating has been like in the last month and a half, I will quote part of the poem "There Was A Little Girl" by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow:
"When she was good, she was very good indeed, but when she was bad she has horrid."
There is no need to explain, the words say it all. Needless to say, even after all the changes, yes I can still put away the calories. Eating out of boredom, emotional eating, mindless name it, I did it. In between those days were days that reminded me YES, I do know what I need to do, I just have to do it.
So as much as the number on the scale did increase, it could have been oh so much worse. The one constant and lifesaver for me is and probably always will (God willing) exercise. I love it, it feels great during it, after it, and I look forward to doing it. As April was coming to an end and I was feeling pretty bad about myself I was thankful for some of the things and challenges coming up in May. First, there was the most current Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans challenge calendar - Melt Your Muffin Top May.
Also this month my gym Life Fitness Management is doing another challenge. Each day you get emailed a new challenge to complete the next day (with a few well placed rest days). Situps, difference kinds of crunches, planks, know all fun things. :)
Both of these challenges are so well timed. Each of them are working areas that I obviously need a lot of work with. Also, it is a bang on the head reminder that I need to eat better. In any class I take or exercise I do, when I am not eating well these are the kind of exercises that I struggle with. Abs are truly formed in the kitchen. This is something I need to remember all the time....
My local hospital is also doing a walking challenge. Each day you get in the mileage and at the end of the month there will be a 5 mile walk to participate it. Walking is great in so many ways and a good thing to add to my day. Bonus: a chance to win some money just for walking.
One of the reasons why I have been missing some classes is that I have been taking a bike class. Again the local hospital (seriously, they really have so much to offer the many people are missing out) was offering a series of classes on biking. This class is being taught by the Western Maryland Wheelmen (a local biking group). Each week we have been learning things about our bike, riding, etc. I was undecided on whether to take this class up until the last minute. With buying my new bike, there is so much about it I need to learn. I am so glad that I decided to take it. With taking this class I have added more bike riding into my exercise regiment. I have probably put 150 miles on my bike in the last month, and I am so excited about that. I have gone on rides much further than I thought I would, and really surprised myself. I really do know that the possibilities are endless, I just have to keep telling myself that I can do anything.
So, as for the title of my post. Again this page I follow - Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans - was starting this thing called DietBet. If you have never heard of it before it is a website where you put your money on the line to strive to lose weight. If nothing else I hate to lose money and I figured this would be a good motivator to keep me on the straight and narrow and find my focus again. This DietBet is for 6 months. Each month you have a percentage goal to meet to win money, with the end goal of losing 10% of your weight. This started today and yesterday I had to submit official photos.
So here we go.....let the fun begin. Stay tuned to see what happens. I promise I will try to post more.
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