Unless you live under a rock most people know that October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. For many years this has been one of the causes that I contribute both my time and money to. This horrible disease has touched people that I know throughout the years. Some have lost their lives while others have fought a tough and courageous battle and today stand strong as a survivor.
Not sure how many years ago it was but I found out that our company had a team that participated in a breast cancer walk in Hagerstown, which is where my corporate office is located. An email was sent out and we were invited to join those walking from our other office. I couldn't pass up this opportunity. I have tried to do it every year (I think there was one year a couple of years ago when I couldn't participate because I flew back home to Maine to visit family for vacation).
This year I will walking again but instead of going to Hagerstown and walking with my company team I will be staying local and walking with a team called the Pink Ladies (thanks to my boss Dana for inviting me). Both walks are the same day and instead of driving the distance to Hagerstown I decided to stay local. Plus, the money that is raised does stay local which is always nice.
This year's walk means just a little more to me this year (not that any other year isn't important). Before I went on vacation last month I received a message from one of my friends and sorority sisters back in Maine telling me that she had breast cancer. I was in shock. I know there is no age discrimination but it just really hit home for me. It once again just made it so personal and so close to home. I cried and all I could think of was why her. She has a family and two beautiful children and it just didn't seem fair. But I have to tell you in the days past hearing what she has been through (surgery and so on) I have gained a new appreciation for her and her strength. Adversity truly does bring out the fighter in you. I am so proud of how she has handled this and I pray that in the days and months to come everything continues to go well and she can put this behind her and move forward. God Bless you Jenn and your family....I will continue to keep you all in prayers and thoughts each day.
So, while I am great at volunteering my time and contributing money to causes I feel are worthwhile during the year where I suck is raising money. Each year when I would walk I would ask for donations but I just really have a hard time asking people to do this. These days lots of people struggle with their own problem (illnesses, money, and so on) and the last think they need is someone asking them for money. While some people are good at fundraising....this girl isn't one of them, never have been. That being said I was trying to think of a way to raise money to donate this year.
If you read my last blog post (Wellness Ambassdor) I made the decision to donate my $100.00 prize for being awarded wellness ambassador to the cause. But I thought what I can do to give more this year and then it hit me...
Exercise!!! Yup, exercise. I think of each year that I have walked and watching the survivors show up. Some are unable to participate in the walk but are still there to cheer those on that can plus be there to be recognized. Then there are those that can walk, even if it was just that first lap around the track or finishing the entire walk. So what I have decided to do in donate based on my activity for the month of October up through the 17th (the walk is on the 18th).
For each day I reach 10,000 steps, I will donate $1. If I reach 20,000 steps in a day I will donate $2. For every mile (whether it be walking or biking) I complete I will donate $1 per mile. I will also forfeit my exercise jar money during this time period. For those of you that don't know about my exercise jar, I put a dollar in the jar for every day that I exercise.
So far through the first five days of October:
Steps -
10/1 - 16,733
10/2 - 14,180
10/3 - 15,462
10/4 - 14,110
10/5 - 17,093
Miles Completed -
10/1 Walking/Jogging - 5.04 miles
10/2 Walking/Jogging - 3.79 miles
10/3 Walking/Jogging - 4.65 miles
10/4 Walking/Jogging - 3.45 miles
Biking - 10.5 miles
10/5 Walking/Jogging 5.02 miles
So through today my exercise donation is $42.45.
If I can keep up this pace I should be able to make a nice final contribution to Breast Cancer Awareness which makes me very happy.
If you would like to contribute to this great cause here is the link to my page - Making Strikes Against Breast Cancer
While I don't expect anyone to contribute I post my link in case you haven't seen it before and wish to contribute.
This is also where I recognize that all of us feel strongly about so many causes out there. I personally have a list of favorites that each year I spend my time and money to contribute to. While there isn't one cause out there more important than other (because there are so many out there) it is up to each of us individually to decide what moves or inspires us to want to give give our time or money. The key is find something that you feel strongly about and do what you can - volunteer at a animal or homeless shelter, walk or bike ride for a cause, donate your blood, have your bone marrow tested, or become an organ donor. There are so many things to do out there. I for one admit since moving down here to Maryland I have gotten away from serving my community because I really didn't know where to start. When I was in Maine I knew where to go and what to do. When I was in college I was part of a service sorority (Gamma Sigma Sigma) where the emphasis was placed on service. We had to compete so many service hours each semester. It was during this time that I put in a ton of hours helping so many different causes and where I fell in love with serving my community (which was Bangor at the time while being at Husson University). During this journey the last couple of years I have found that this is one aspect of my life that has been missing. While I have participated in these walks, I know that there is so much more I can do. My hope is that in the coming year I can get out there more, learn more about the community that I live in, and find places where I use my talents and abilities to help. I will forever love my hometown of Milo and the other towns/cities I have lived in (Dexter and Bangor) and the state of Maine, but I have come to realize recently that I finally have considering Cumberland my home (I know finally after 10 plus years). While I like to hide and maintain my personal space and privacy, it is time to get out into the community and see what I can do.
Good night and God Bless!!!
My own person online journal chronicling my weight loss journey and everyday things about my life
Sunday, October 5, 2014
Friday, October 3, 2014
Wellness Ambassador
A few months ago I received a call from someone at the local hospital here informing me that someone had nominated me as a wellness ambassador. I have to say I was quite surprised. During the call I was interviewed and asked some questions based on the six dimensions of wellness:
SIX DIMENSIONS OF WELLNESS: (National Wellness Institute)
• Social Wellness encourages contributing to one’s environment and community.
• Emotional Wellness recognizes awareness and acceptance of one’s feelings.
• Spiritual Wellness recognizes our search for meaning and purpose in human existence.
• Occupational Wellness recognizes personal satisfaction and enrichment in one’s life through work.
• Intellectual Wellness recognizes one’s creative, stimulating mental activities.
• Physical Wellness recognizes the need for regular physical activity. Physical development
encourages learning about diet and nutrition while discouraging the use of tobacco, drugs and
excessive alcohol consumption.
I was told that each month a person would be chosen from those that have been nominated. I thought to myself it was so thoughtful for someone to nominate me. I'm sure there are plenty of deserving people in the area and to just be nominated was an honor. I had asked if I could be told who nominated me and I was told no, which is fine, but it would be nice to know who thought of me in such a way. I was told is was more than one person who nominated me. So, thank you to those that nominated me.....I don't know who you are, but it means a great deal.
I had forgotten about this with a busy summer, lots of bike riding, vacation, and so on.
A couple of weeks ago I got a phone call telling me that I had been picked as this months wellness ambassador. It really took me by surprise. Honestly my first thought was that I didn't deserve it. After all lately I hadn't been feeling all too great, have been in a funk, and wasn't really feeling like someone people would be inspired by, look up to, or see as a mentor...let alone an ambassador. I almost told the person from the hospital that I didn't deserve it. But the more I thought about it I knew it was right to accept it. A little funk, a setback, and some other stuff does not reflect or dismiss this journey that I have been on, what I have accomplished and learned. This journey and lifestyle change that started a few years ago was for me and my benefit but to know that through my journey I have touched someone else's life and made an impact enough for them to nominate me truly touched me.
With being chosen me and my story is promoted and publicly recognized through the hospital, their facebook page Western Maryland Health Systems, a link on their website Western Maryland Health Systems, and some local radio spots.
Another perk of winning this award, you get $100. I wondered what I was going to do with this...treat myself with someone, put in the bank and save it for something. With my walk coming up this month for breast cancer Making Strides of Western Maryland, I decided to donate my winnings to the cause. I couldn't think of anything better to do with it.
I have had such amazing feedback from those around me when finding out about this accomplishment. It really warms my heart to know how much my journey has touched people, influenced them, and so on. I have also found through this process I have lots of "silent stalkers". I have had people tell me that I love keeping up with what you are doing. I don't like your posts or comments but I love hearing about how things are going. I don't do this to get attention, likes, comments. Honestly if no one every liked or commented but felt the way I have heard some people tell me that they do, that means so much more than any like I could ever get on facebook (but for those of you that do like and comment I appreciate you just as much). Whether visible or invisible, I appreciate the love and support through this journey and the continued journey.
Still not back to normal self yet and still trying to find my groove and confidence back (and hoping for some much needed closure in a private matter), but I know I will get there. I also know there will always be the occasional rough day, but hopefully as time goes on I will learn to deal with them better, not let them get the better of me, and maybe just maybe someday that dreaded "emotional eating" will not rear it's ugly head. Like anyone else that has ever struggled with weight, food addiction, and emotional eating.....there will never be that perfection. It is what is is, I am what I am (flaws and all), and every setback there is something to be learned, something to hopefully make me do better the next time. This journey is truly a marathon and not a sprint, something that I will continue on and yes struggle with from now until all the rest of the days of my life. I can only hope and pray that my bad days become fewer and farther between.
It's been a busy week and I still need to work on a post to talk about October but it has been a busy week at work with month and quarter end. Hopefully a new post will come in the next day or say but I needed to take some time to do this post.
For all of you out there that have been with through this journey....you have my love. I know that this has been me and I have done all the hard work, but there is no way I could have done it without each and every one of you....your like, your comment, your private message, your encouragement, your shoulder, your ear, the occasional hug. I know I have said this before but I will say it again and forevermore. Whether near or far, in person or virtually.....I am truly blessed with the love and support. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!!!
Another perk of winning this award, you get $100. I wondered what I was going to do with this...treat myself with someone, put in the bank and save it for something. With my walk coming up this month for breast cancer Making Strides of Western Maryland, I decided to donate my winnings to the cause. I couldn't think of anything better to do with it.
I have had such amazing feedback from those around me when finding out about this accomplishment. It really warms my heart to know how much my journey has touched people, influenced them, and so on. I have also found through this process I have lots of "silent stalkers". I have had people tell me that I love keeping up with what you are doing. I don't like your posts or comments but I love hearing about how things are going. I don't do this to get attention, likes, comments. Honestly if no one every liked or commented but felt the way I have heard some people tell me that they do, that means so much more than any like I could ever get on facebook (but for those of you that do like and comment I appreciate you just as much). Whether visible or invisible, I appreciate the love and support through this journey and the continued journey.
Still not back to normal self yet and still trying to find my groove and confidence back (and hoping for some much needed closure in a private matter), but I know I will get there. I also know there will always be the occasional rough day, but hopefully as time goes on I will learn to deal with them better, not let them get the better of me, and maybe just maybe someday that dreaded "emotional eating" will not rear it's ugly head. Like anyone else that has ever struggled with weight, food addiction, and emotional eating.....there will never be that perfection. It is what is is, I am what I am (flaws and all), and every setback there is something to be learned, something to hopefully make me do better the next time. This journey is truly a marathon and not a sprint, something that I will continue on and yes struggle with from now until all the rest of the days of my life. I can only hope and pray that my bad days become fewer and farther between.
It's been a busy week and I still need to work on a post to talk about October but it has been a busy week at work with month and quarter end. Hopefully a new post will come in the next day or say but I needed to take some time to do this post.
For all of you out there that have been with through this journey....you have my love. I know that this has been me and I have done all the hard work, but there is no way I could have done it without each and every one of you....your like, your comment, your private message, your encouragement, your shoulder, your ear, the occasional hug. I know I have said this before but I will say it again and forevermore. Whether near or far, in person or virtually.....I am truly blessed with the love and support. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!!!
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